"Always leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy, satisfied, even joyous. That has more of an effect on economic well-being than any other single factor."
- Paul Hawken |
Sea Story aboard
the “Conception”
There is navigation
But no plot
For all depends on
Unseen elements--
The entrance of wind,
The rise and fall of swells.
Jazz-like we improvise
Our journey.
To sleep on the sea,
Eat with the rock
and sway, little seen lives
curving under us,
Landfall becomes punctuation
Marking a pause.
A comma,
Amid the liquid language
Of the ever shifting water
Containing us all
The Conception moves forward
From point to point—
Anchorage to anchorage,
The harbor only a dot
at the end of the sentence.
-Carol Whitehill
Student aboard our 2007 journey
| Field Trips and Excursions
Imagine three days and nights of drawing and painting, hiking, kyaking, snorkeling and cruising on and around the rugged islands. You will be getting lots of practice drawing the unique unspoiled coasline, and beautiful nature all around us. We will have a naturalist on board to escort us onto parts of the island that very few people ever see with plenty of time to sketch and paint images of our journey.
We are chartering the boat for a three-day journey on and around Channel Islands National Park off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. Cost includes three night's stay aboard with freshly-cooked meals. Gay, Nina and Suhita will teach classes aboard the boat every morning. We will cover quick sketch, nature journaling, gouache and watercolor, journal layout and other techniques as well as lots of real-life interaction with three instructors journaling next to you and some one-on-one instruction if requested.
