Our DVD |

Beginning Watercolor Journaling
Our watercolor and journaling instructional DVD entitled Beginning Watercolor Journaling is available and ready for purchase. You can purchase through our website or Amazon.
You can now buy the instructional DVD that Danny Gregory, author of The Creative License, says "The best DVD I've ever seen to get you journaling."
Cost: $29.95
+ sales tax (if you are in CA)
+ shipping
Standard Shipping via USPS Media Mail
(arrives 2-9 days depending on distance from Los Gatos, California)
Priority Shipping via USPS Priority Mail Domestic and International:
$5.30 anywhere in the US (arrives in 2-3 days)
$12.95 anywhere in Canada/Mexico
$16.95 most places in rest of world, including Europe/UK/Australia/New Zealand
You can purchase your copy here from our website:

Journal page by Kate Fauller
What People are Saying about the DVD...
"Lopp and Kraeger present in a very folksy and approachable style. While those with some artistic talent will gain the most from this presentation, it is very accessible for the novice. A welcome addition to most arts and crafts collections and for journal writers who wish to enhance the look of their work."
— Tom Budlong, Atlanta, Library Journal
"Your DVD arrived yesterday, and I immediately watched it. It took forever, because I would pause, back-up, watch, pause, back-up, watch. It was so wonderful and informative. I love not only your talent, but also your sweet, gentle nature, and I wish you would do a whole BOOK of your journals. Thank you!"
— Judy Jennings,
Richmond, Indiana
"The DVD is fun and accessible.
Can I say it? (it might be cheating or something) I was very
happy to learn that you don't need a journal for this class, just
watercolor paper. You put your journal together after you've
painted your pages. Sweet deal, I like that idea.
Everything is geared to cut the inner critic and just have fun,
they really take away the fear factor on this DVD. No fear of
messing up a whole journal; do a page at a time and bind them
— Susie Land
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
You have inspired me to start journaling in all those nice empty journals I've collected over the years. Thank you so much for your DVD. It was such a gift, such an inspiration, so enlightening to me. I think it'll be launching a whole lot of young artists and young journal-ers in my family! I wish I lived nearer to you so I could take your classes. I can't say, "Thank you," enough."
— Kate Fauller, Cape Cod, MA
I have started to use some of your suggestions in my art journaling..and have begun to use my journal more. Your explanations about color theory and the process of painting and lettering are truly wonderful and easy to understand. I have always had a hard time with my lettering and positioning things on the page, and your DVD really helps!! I have paired down my watercolor pack to only taking the niji brush, my paints, 1 pen and a pencil….which is a vast improvement over my older method of taking EVERYTHING I OWN! It has made my journaling more accessible and, thus, I’m producing more sketches and memories." — Nancy Patterson, Crivitz, WI
"Your DVD arrived in the wet gloomy north of England this morning. I put aside my work for this evening to view all the sections. A real joy... Your light, informal, approach and very practical demonstrations make it easy to view and learn. Your council of 'imperfection' is encouraging - it reminds me of Wabi-Sabi." — George Dobbs

samples of 3 sets of pages from Jerome's Class Notes book. |
Class Notes: Illustrated Watercolor Journaling
by Jerome Domurat
"Class Notes: Illustrated Watercolor Journaling" EXPANDED edition is ready to be printed for you on Blurb.com!
Remember the wonderful "Class Notes" that long time student and journaler Jerome Domurat printed and comb-bound by hand? He took wonderful notes of our classes in his engaging style for over 21 sessions of our 6-week classes at the Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation Department.
The original Class Notes that we only sold here on our website were just the first 7 sessions of classes, 40 pages, at 5.5 x 7.5 inches and were sold awhile back.
Now, you can have 3 times the notes and drawings at almost twice the size. This expanded edition is a 8 x 10 inch book, on 120 pages. It presents Jerome Domurat's scanned class notes from 21 sessions of Gay & Christina's Illustrated Watercolor Journaling class. Blurb allows you to view all the pages.
Take a look at, "Class Notes: Illustrated Watercolor Journaling" on Blurb:
Blurb is a publishing on demand website. This means that when you place an order, that order is sent to a printer who then creates a printed copy that is sent to you. You get to select the type of cover and paper weight (we recommend the Premium Paper) and type of shipping. What it means for us is that I don't have to physically handle any books. |
New Book: An Illustrated Life
Danny Gregory kindly asked both Gay and Christina to contribute to his book entitled An Illustrated
Life: Drawing Inspiration From The Private
Sketchbooks Of Artists, Illustrators And
Designers. We have been looking forward to it for over a year and it just it the bookshelves including online at Amazon.
Book Description: An Illustrated Life offers a sneak peak into the wildly creative imaginations of top illustrators, designers and artists from around the world through the pages of their personal visual journals. Popular visual journalist and author Danny Gregory reveals how and why keeping a consistent, visual journal leads to a more fulfilling creative life. Designers and artists working in all mediums will find creative inspiration from these insightful interviews and stunning examples.
Danny asked each of us all about how and why we journal and we all responded differently -- it is an amazing compilation of art of all kinds. It is a big, thick book with so many great pages from over 50 artists. It is printed so nicely you'll want to get out a magnifying glass to see what everyone was writting on all of their pages!
We be so happy if you'd like to order it here. When you get a copy, we'd be very happy to hear any feedback you have. |

A Family Reunion and a DVD
"I have a story to tell you about how your DVD has impacted me and my entire family! I was due to head off to a first-ever family reunion in Missouri. The night before I got on the plane, I was sorting through the week's work and at the top was your ... DVD. I was strapped for time, but I popped the disk into my computer to take a quick peek and I was mesmerized by it! It's wonderful! Not wanting to leave it, I packed both it and your journal and took it with me on holiday.
"Our family (12 of us) were sharing a cabin in rural Missouri. Ages ranged from 65 to 8. We were just there to spend time together...very few structured activities. I put the DVD into the TV and immediately was joined by my sisters and their kids. We were all so inspired, we went out and got some watercolors and paper (kids toy kind, but we are beginners!) then we collected natural things from the yard and got to work.
"Throughout the whole week, the watercolors were set up on the central table and we talked, painted, talked, painted and had a blast. The creative outlet and explorations in watercolor journaling made the trip something special that we hadn't counted on.
I photographed the pieces we made, and when I got home I scanned my work (everyone else took their originals home, as they were so proud of them!) I've started a flicker set for them. I hope you see the influence of the DVD instruction in these!"
-- Kate Rutter, San Francisco, CA |

Brenda Books Links
Designer and Craftsperson, Brenda Jatho, creates hand bound journals for watercolor journaling.
Beaded Spine Journals on Etsy

Introduction in the Studio

sample menu page

describing watercolor "wash"

demo of writing on a page

how to draw straight lines
More About the DVD
Over the years since we've been teaching our "Illustrated Watercolor Journaling" classes, we have received many emails from people all over the United States and beyond who are interested in taking our classes. Many have asked if we either teach in their area, or if we have a DVD of our class. These requests over the years were part of our push to create our DVD.
In Beginning Watercolor Journaling we introduce the concept of Illustrated Watercolor Journaling, give a little history on our interests and demonstrate much of the topics that we teach in our classes including:
- Basic Supplies
- Watercolor Paper
- Straight Lines
- Lettering
- Wash
- Color Wheel
- Neutral Colors
Blind Contour:
- Blind Contour
- Lettering
- Writing
- Wash
- Salt
Quick Sketch:
- Quick Sketch
- Box Pop
- Headline
- Text & Date
- Alcohol
- Finish the Page
- Sighting
- Viewfinder
- Drawing the Page
- Painting the Page
- Finishing the Page
- Music
- OutTakes
- Watercolor Journaling Classes
- Credits

Beginning Watercolor Journaling
Runtime: 87:43 minutes
Format: NTSC
Produced/Directed/Edited by Jerome Domurat, www.greenGRIZZLY.com
All content developed by Christina Lopp and Gay Kraeger for Illustrated Watercolor Journaling
Music from Azzurro Verdi, Arias for Solo Blues Guitar
by Dale Miller www.DaleMiller.com
© 2007 Illustrated Watercolor Journaling and greenGRIZZLY
We've worked long and hard to make a product that we can be proud of while creating a DVD that gives the viewer much of the information that we teach in our classes. Once you view the DVD, we'd love to hear your feedback. Please send us an email at info@watercolorjournaling.com.