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"All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life."
-- M.C. Richards

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Why Journal?

Why journal? Specifically why journal with drawings and watercolors?

We have found that some amazing things happen when you record your life this way. Whether you are traveling, exploring, or just adventuring through your daily life, many things happen to us when we journal and watercolor. Watercoloring lends itself to "happy accidents" and quick sketchs. Watercoloring has been used since Victorian times to capture nature, and the world around you.

Watercolor journaling helps you to slow down and see the world around you. You can really notice the small details of your surroundings. Whether it be sights that you draw, or smells and sounds that you write about, journaling allows you to take a breather from life and really see.

Journaling slows time down. Because drawing and writing tend to work from the right side of your brain, you can lose track of time while you capture lifes little moments. As you continue to journal, you will have a precious visual journal of your life -- or some parts of your life to show to others -- your family, your children, your friends. Or you will have a record just for you -- it is easy to close the page of your book and keep it to yourself!

Can't think of what to draw? Take a lookie here at Danny Gregory's 225 weekly drawing and journaling challenges here. You are bound to find something on that list that you'd like to draw!

Read what student Kirsten Liske says about what she likes about Illustrated Watercolor Journaling workshops.

Journal page by Kathy Bisbee



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